More Information: 12-12-19 - MOU - Power Generation Division Central Control Room Pilot 11-14-19 - MOU - Traveling St. Lucie Nuclear Plant 11-14-19 - MOU - Traveling Turkey Point Nuclear Plant 11-14-19 - MOU - Turkey Point Nuclear Plant 11-14-19 - MOU - St. Lucie Nuclear Plant 10-29-19 - LOA - Absorbed by Mutual Agreement 10-22-19 - MOU - Power Generation Training Support 10-09-19 - LOA - Absorbed by Mutual Agreement 09-30-19 - SOA - Dental Plan Premiums 09-30-19 - MOU - Apprentice Meter Electrician "A" 09-26-19 - MOU - Traveling (PTN) (SNPOs) to (PSL) 09-26-19 - MOU Prescription Safety Glasses Pilot 09-17-19 - LOA - Resource Sharing (Travel) Agreement 08-31-19 - LOI - Hurricane Dorian 07-23-19 - MOU Work Hours Controls 07-23-19 - Letter of Agreement Paragraph 6.1 Leave of Absence - Troy Roach 07-23-19 - Storm Feeder Controller (SFC) Travel Q & A's 07-23-19 - MOU Distribution Bargaining Unit Storm Feeder Controller 07-22-19 - LOA Absorbed by Agreement 07-16-19 - MOU St. Lucie Nucllear (PSL) Unit 1 Cycle 29 Refueling Outage 06-28-19 - Letter of Agreement - Transfer of Classification at Same Location 06-20-19 - Stipulation of Agreement - Senior Reactor Control Operator (SRCO) Upgrades 06-04-19 - Letter of Intent - Distribution - Tropical Systems Resource Call-Out/Assignment Boundaries 05-30-19 - MOU Temporary Employees (PTN) 05-24-19 - MOU City of Vero Beach Employees 05-21-19 - SOA 04-30-19 - MOU PSL Craft Worker Schedules 04-09-19 - MOU PGD PMR PSN Plant Realignment 03-12-19 - MOU No Loss of Service (NLS) Pilot 02-13-19 - MOU PSL SNPOs to PTN 02-13-19 - MOU PTN Craft Worker Schedule Pilot 01-14-19 - LOA Absorbed by Mutual Agreement - Bischof 40 |