More Information: 12-07-15 - MOU Paragraph 47 Rain and Protection 10-21-15 - MOU Faulted PILC and URD Feeder Cable 10-09-15 - MOU Telco System Channel Banks 10-07-15 - LOA Absorb Travis W Conrad 09-29-15 - MOU Traveling PSL RO's to PTN 09-18-15 - MOU Daniel Ben Carr Return to Work 09-11-15 - LOA Paragraph 19 (b) Niebla - Perez 08-27-15 - MOU Traveling PSL SNPO's to PTN 08-26-15 - SOA Medical Premium Contributions 08-26-15 - SOA Healthcare Plan Design 07-29-15 - MOU Traveling PTN Non-License Operators to PSL 07-22-15 - LOA Paragraph 19 (b) Parsons - Gillett 06-24-15 - MOU Power Systems Apprentice Repair Tech A 06-02-15 - SOA Sick Time Re-Deposit of FMLA Approved Time Off 06-02-15 - MOU Placement of Code of Excellence Stickers on FPL Vehicles 05-20-15 - MOU Turkey Point Plant Operations Helpers 05-19-15 - LOA Paragraph 19 (b) Malone - Reilly 05-19-15 - LOA Paragraph 19 (b) Stover - Florio 04-23-15 - MOU Temporary Employees PTN 04 17-15 - LOA Paragraph 19 (b) Rodriguez and Dibisceglie 04-10-15 - LOI Apprentice Substation SME Participation 03-27-15 - LOI PGD MOU 4.1 Company-Foreperson Relationship 03-27-15 - LOA Absorb Saluspiano Mendez 03-27-15 - LOA Paragraph 19 (b) Weeks-Kerns 02-27-15 - LOA Absorb Employee's Affected by the Putnam Plant Closing 02-24-15 - LOA Travel- Mileage Matrix Rev 02-24-15 - LOA Travel- Mileage Matrix 02-24-15 - MOU Pilot Meter Installer Program 02-24-15 - MOU Traveling PTN Non-License Operators to PSL 01-28-15 - MOU License Retention Compensation Program 01-23-15 - SOA Minimum Reserve Levels 01-23-15 - LOA 10 Hour Days Putnam Plant |